2009-04-14 17:38:18 UTC
Coffee Survey: Copy and paste this survey, then type the letters that fit below that question where it says Answer.
1. Age?
a. under 18 b. 18-24 c. 25-34 d. 35-50 e. 50+
2. Gender?
a. male b. female
3. Are you a coffee drinker?
a. yes b. no
4. Do you know what the following coffees are? (Put all letters that apply)
a. mocha b. cappuccino c. latte
5. Which kind of coffee do you like the most?
a. regular b. cappuccino c. latte d. mocha e. iced
6. How often do you drink coffee?
a. multiple times daily b. once daily c. 2-3 times a week
d. once a week e. occasionally f. never
7. Where do you get your coffee from? (Put all letters that apply)
a. home coffeemaker b. Starbucks c. McDonald’s d. coffee house/café
e. fast food restaurant/another coffee chain: ____________________________________
8. Have you tried one of McDonald’s McCafe coffee selections?
a. yes b. no
9. If not, why? (Put all letters that apply)
a. Don’t drink coffee b. Didn’t know about McCafe c. Prefer another brand
d. Don’t like McDonald’s e. don’t think McDonald’s would have good coffee
f. other: _________________________________________________________________
10. If yes, which have you tried? (Put all letters that apply)
a. regular b. cappuccino c. latte d. mocha e. iced coffee
f. hot chocolate
11. What did you like about the coffee/McCafe experience?
Type answer here:
12. Dislike?
Type answer here:
13. What reasons would/does make you buy coffee from McDonalds? (Put all letters that apply) a. great taste b. the selection c. quick service d. drive-thru e. cheaper
f. ability to buy food w/ coffee g. like McDonald’s h. saw an ad
i. can get coffee all day j. other: _________________________________________