In Canada, to sell water, it needs not be any purer or 'healthy' than tap water which contains chlorine. Chlorine, is a substance which kills bacteria, but is also carcinogenic. It does not filter or destroy particles like pharmaceuticals, (ever stop to think about how many women are on the 'pill' and who flush the toilet every day? Those artificial hormones are not 'treated' by chlorine!)
Bottled water is affected by the very bottles themselves, no matter how pure or healthy the water actually may have been at the source. Water has the unique characteristic to retain 'memory', so the actual bottles themselves as they deteriorate cause pollutants in the water and impart poisons.
People who install 'RO' units under their sink are fracturing the water molecules making the water 'dead'. They believe that they are drinking 'healthy' water, but in fact, the surface tension of the water that is fractured makes it impossible to hydrate their bodies, making them sick. (Same with Distilled which costs a lot to produce.) The water may be 'pure' but it is not healthy.
The solution? Energized, mineralized, perfectly pH balanced water with a low surface tension that actually hydrates the body directly flowing from your tap! (costs about $20/ a month), needs no additional electricity, no cartridges, filters, or chemicals, EVER. Please go to: or, structuredflo to see the actual unit which can be portable, installed and used in a commercial setting.